Cooling Marshes, Kent, 7th December 2014

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


You know what this post is about don't you?!

Yep, like everyone else I've spent much of the last week obsessing over the arrival of that most striking of winter migrants - Waxwings. After the memorable irruption year of 2010/11 when London was seemingly overrun with the blighters and I duly missed all of them (truly the winter of my dipcontent) I uttered quiet assertions about how I wasn't going to twitch waxwings this year, that I'd let them find me. Bold words.

Turns out it was complete nonsense too, since as soon as the first few flocks arrived in London and were showing signs of settling a bit, I was making plans. I'm weak for Waxwings but who isn't.

So last Friday, with a day off and a hazy wintery sun casting perfect shadows, I acted on a tip and headed down to Shirley near Croydon for the flock numbering around 30 birds that had been visiting a favoured Rowan tree on a housing estate for a couple of days. And lo, mid-afternoon, as I rounded the corner, there they were - easy as that.

Of course, as soon as we got out the car, they bolted and sat teasingly in some tall trees behind the housing estate:

But thankfully, ten minutes later they returned...

Bohemian Rhapsody: Waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) feeding on Rowan berries -
Myrtle Ave, South London, 1/12/12 

Tuck in: note gorgeous rufous 'vent' and yellow-tipped rectrices

...and flippin hell, down to 10ft! The views were amazing, showing up the unique plumage details of these punk-haired scandi wonders. Among the 30 or so birds were a handful making their first raid on our Isles - first winter birds lacking the fully matured colourful wing markings that give them their name. The birds were feverishly stripping the rowan berries down to the last lower branches, accompanied by a handful of starlings and a single Redwing. They were pretty flighty, while every now and then a confused resident would wander past or stop in their car and ask why a random group of people were hanging around their street corner looking at a tree...

Wings are looking up...

It was really great to finally track these stunning birds down, couldn't resist a couple more shots (thanks Lisa!)...

I call this one 'self-portrait with Waxwings' (2012)
Top: Waxwings, bottom: twat
A brilliant afternoon, should be a good winter...

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