1. This morning I watched a pair of dunnocks from my window, a pair I assume, as each followed the other without chase or threat. They inspected the dense realm of ivy sagging on the garden fence, a pair of dunnocks have nested in that same spot for several years. One of the birds showed an odd interest in my car parked below and, as I watched, made repeated attempts to peck the wing mirrors and windows. It mistook its reflections for a rival bird and wasn't taking any chances.
2. At work this afternoon a buzzard sailed overhead with crows on its case like streamers on a kite. I'll argue it's always a good day when you see a bird like this. It followed the shady, wooded ridge of the reserve west and out of sight, perhaps considering a place to roost. I looked at my watch and it was 4.09pm. I could sense the dusk around me, through that last blast of chatter from birds, the searching gulls overhead, that stillness. But instead of sweeping down, it stalled and I was very aware that the evening was getting longer.
3. I came home and heard the news that Lodge Hill has been called in. The right decision after many, many wrong ones. It doesn't mean anything yet, but still, it capped a good day.
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