Cooling Marshes, Kent, 7th December 2014

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Love and feathers

Postcards from a sister abroad...

Hi Peter 
Churp Churp! I am Betty Birdbrain and I recently met your sister, who told me you like birds. As you can tell I am a very beautiful bird, although I am a bit birdbrained and forgot what type I am - it might be a bit of ostretch but perhaps you could tell me? I also sang you a song, which I have attached, along with a photo of me chilling in Porteau Cove, a majestic spot just south of Squamish, in British Columbia. I heard you couldn't make it out here this year so it's to remind you to keep on plotting, and keep your feathery chin up.
I also attach some photos of my friends, Bill the bald eagle who lives in Lighthouse Park, right by your friend Bobby's house, a talonted featherweight boxer, and Ruby the red-cheeked speckle-backed pretty bird. She has been feeling a bit beaky lately but hopefully she'll wing her way through it. Then there's Pecky, who has also flown the nest without finding out his actual name, and Harry the Heron, who enjoys the views of Vancouver's skyscrapers - or at least he thinks he's a heron?! He'll egret it if he can't find out :) 
We all send love and feathers, 
Eyes to the skies, Chirp Chirp 
The BC Bird Gang xx 

BC birds: Great Blue Heron, Northern Flicker, Barn Swallow, Bald Eagle

Thanks Sis! x

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