In another poor week for environmental news it's nice to have something to cheer, however small it may this case small, fluffy and awkward looking. It was great to hear the news today that at least two (out of three) pairs of
Black-winged Stilts have successfully hatched young - the first in the UK for
27 years. One of these sites is Cliffe Pools - a favourite local site of mine, which makes it that bit more special perhaps. On one of my first ever 'birding' trips abroad, to Portugal a few years ago, Black-winged stilts were the bird that caught my imagination most as they strode elegantly around some Algarve saltflats. On that occasion I watched a nesting pair too and was struck by their diligence and care, and their defiance in the face of prolonged mobbing by gulls. It's always stuck with me. So to have been able to watch something similar unfold here is great and if you get a chance to go and have a look you should.
Of course there is still some way to go, in reality life just got harder for those birds but fingers crossed that in a few weeks we'll have several more gangly and beautiful reasons to be cheerful.
Black-winged Stilt, Cliffe Pools RSPB, (Himantopus himantopus) 24/5/14 |
Well done (and thanks) to the RSPB staff and volunteers who worked all hours to help them get this far.
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